No Right Thing 
Laura Langston


ISBN:  978-1-7753515-8-0
Price: $13.95
Pub Date: April 27, 2020

One good deed can have unpredictable consequences.

Sixteen-year-old Cate Sheridan always tried to do the right thing. When she sees a homeless man about to be hit by a truck, her instincts  kick in. Cate and her friend Noah pull the man to safety.

Then things get crazy in Cate's world.

The rescued man is the famous musician Max Le Bould who disappeared years ago. Cate and Noah become instant heroes, and the media descends upon the town of Qualicum Beach. So does Cate's mother, journalist Cynthia Patrice who abandoned Cate when she was two.

Dazzled by a mother she doesn't know and determined to help a man she does, Cate is caught in the middle of a moral dilemma.



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Laura Langston is the award-winning author of twenty books for young people and a former journalist for the CBC. By the time she hit Grade 4, Laura and her teachers knew she was destined to become a writer. Her persistent daydreaming and invisible friends were the tip-off. Her first word was cookie, her second word was book and her priorities haven't changed. For more information, visit

What Reviewers Say About No Right Thing

Mystery, romance and enough themes to keep readers talking for hours! Langston’s No Right Thing is a terrific novel which deserves a place on bookshelves everywhere. Highly Recommended.

CM Magazine

Five Star Review

An enjoyable tale.

Kirkus Reviews