News & Musings
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Five Myths About Beethoven: Here’s the Score
Ludwig van Beethoven appears in Melanie Jackson’s mystery novel for young people The Fifth Beethoven as both an inspiration and (in ghost form) an often-annoying mentor. Here’s Melanie’s take on five common myths about this uncommon musical genius. I’ve adored the...
Kah-Lan and the Stink-Ink Colouring Sheet
It's the book birthday for Kah-Lan and the Stink-Ink written by Karen Autio and Illustrated by Emma Pedersen. And to celebrate, we have a gift for you. Illustrator Emma Pedersen created this colouring sheet of the cover of Kah-Lan and the Stink-Ink. You can download...
Sophie Trophy Too Virtual Book Launch
Wednesday March 18 was the official publication date for our first spring book, Sophie Trophy Too by Eileen Holland. This is a sequel to Sophie Trophy, which came out last spring. Eileen had planned to launch the book at Coquitlam Public Library, but she made...
Famous Ancient Battle gets a Clever, Exciting, Funny Update in James McCann’s Middle-grade Novel The Three Spartans
The best thing about Crwth Press is our authors. They're all wonderfully supportive of each other; they promote each other's work and even write reviews for each other. Today's post is an example of this; it's guest blogged by a new addition to the author list,...
Amazing Giveaways for The Three Spartans
The Three Spartans by James McCann had its book birthday earlier this week. We have copies in stock and orders are going out. It’s always an exciting time when a new book arrives. James McCann is celebrating his new book by offering super cool freebies to accompany...
The Three Spartans Celebrates Free-Range Summers
The Three Spartans celebrates that magical period in childhood when imaginative games can flourish …
Teens, Media and Mental Health
Teens spend up to nine hours a day interacting with media – on their phones, on computers, on TV screens. It’s a largely unregulated environment that has a huge impact on their mental health.
K.L. Denman & the Power of Journalism
Award-winning author K.L. Denman toyed with the idea of becoming a journalist when she was in school. She chose the life of a fiction writer instead, and I’m glad she did. The world of Canadian Children’s Literature is much richer thanks to her contributions. Her...
Q & A With Eileen Holland
That was a turning point for me. I thought to myself, “If I can do this well, I can do other things well too.”
Eileen Holland on Writing What You Know
Every class is a mishmash of personalities and talents and weaknesses. I wanted to write about somebody with a quirky but warm-hearted nature, a bit of a disability, and a feeling that right should prevail over wrong.
We Need Girls Who Break the Rules
I want every girl to see in Sophie – and in themselves – a hero who needs to break a few rules. Because let’s be real: many of the “rules” girls deal with need to be broken
Using Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon in the Classroom
Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon is a picture book that any age group will enjoy, and I would recommend it to anyone. It’s full of descriptive language, beautiful images and well-researched, accurate information about the syilx/Okanagan people and their rich history.
Sustainability at Crwth Press
January is a time to think about doing better. We haven’t made any new resolutions this year at Crwth, but it seems like a good time to talk about our sustainability goals. Sustainability means different things to different people, so let’s look at what it means at...
Artists and the Urban Landscape
Mark-Making in Space A few days ago, while looking for knitting needles, I found a most surprising thing: a copy of a Times Colonist article about Sean Nattrass, the artist whose piece Split: Wound That Separates became the cover of a Crwth journal. The article,...
Loraine Kemp on Illustrating Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon
The book would spotlight the Okanagan Valley in B.C., my beloved home area, and I would be able to illustrate my favourite animals—horses.
Turning Inspiration into Narrative Nonfiction
We are pleased to share a guest post from Karen Autio, author of Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon. Meet Wild Horse Canyon, the inspiration for my narrative nonfiction picture book, illustrated by Loraine Kemp. This majestic canyon, tucked in the middle of Okanagan...
An Interview with Kristin Butcher
I was gobsmacked to learn that a substantial number of females were playing hockey in 1893. Then when I discovered that the daughter of Canada’s then Governor General was the organizing force behind it, I was very impressed.
Ronning Garden, the Inspiration for New Generator
Earlier this month, Jon and I took some time off to visit Cape Scott, a provincial park at the northwestern tip of Vancouver Island. We mentioned the trip to artist dea Kearns and her partner, and we learned that we would be passing the Bernt Ronning Garden, the site...