Crwth journals feature the work of local artists and are printed using sustainable practices.

New Generator by dea Kearns

ISBN: 978-1-7753515-0-4
Price: $26.00
Pub Date: September 1, 2018
Blank book/journal
The cover art for this journal features an acrylic painting by dea Kearns. Inspired by a visit to northern Vancouver Island, this piece celebrates the perseverance of nature. The lush foliage beautifully contrasts with and enhances the rust on the machinery, depicting a world in which nature has the power to breathe new life into technology. This imagery is sure to resonate with anyone who has explored British Columbia, particularly Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

An artist of all sorts, dea Kearns' go-to media are acrylics and pencil-and-ink. When painting, dea unabashedly dances to music befitting the desired movement and emotion in her piece. She is keen on illustrating kid’s books, writing comics, and painting murals or other large-scale images. She lives with her partner, two children, one dog, and one cat in Esquimalt, British Columbia.
Split: Wound That Separates by Sean Nattrass

ISBN: 978-1-7753319-9-5
Price: $26.00
Pub Date: September 1, 2018
Blank book/journal
The cover art on this journal uses one part of a diptych originally created for a show at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. The original work is a large-scale mixed-media piece that incorporates silkscreen dictionary definitions and found objects. The lined journal is printed and bound in Canada using a combination of PCW (post-consumer waste) and FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) certified material. Please note that the Crwth Press logo will not be featured on the cover of the final journal as it is intended to be a standalone art object.

Sean Nattrass is a visual artist whose work features art history dialogue and subtle social commentary. He has participated in numerous group shows including a two-person show at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. His work can be found in private collections across the country and at the Maltwood Museum in Victoria, British Columbia. He lives on Gabriola Island, British Columbia.